This will probably be a short little post, but I just had to write because today is one of those "is this real life??" days. Because it's that good. And I know I'm probably jinxing myself by saying that - it's only 1pm here and things could go downhill so fast - but right this second, life is a dream.

Sure, waking up this morning was a little tough. I had a hard time falling asleep last night because I was feeling sick and achey, but I felt a lot better this morning. My first (and only) class today was painting and I was fully prepared to wander campus searching for the room, but I found it right away! Not only that, but there is another exchange student in my class from Texas, so if I'm going to be the weird exchange kid, at least I don't have to do it alone! The class is tiny, there were only 8 of us there today, so I really was not expecting to see another exchange student. In most of my big lectures, I'm the only one. Plus, it's painting class. I'm so excited for next week's class already.
My professor doesn't speak any English, so she has students translate the important parts of what she's saying for me and the other exchange student (again, so nice that I don't have to be in it alone!). The students in my class are very kind and patient in translating everything for us. Also, it's a cool opportunity for me to work on my Turkish. They say that the best way to learn a language is through immersion, so I'm basically going to be fluent by the end of this class. Seriously, though, a good portion of today's class was spent sitting and listening close and watching my professor's gestures and guessing about what she might be saying. And being wrong about what she was saying. I've never watched someone so intently as they spoke, though. I've never payed so much attention to someone's hand gestures or facial expression.
The class is scheduled for 4 hours, which isn't bad, but I've never had a class that long, so I wondered if I'd be antsy to leave by the end. This professor is so cool though. She has a tea/coffee station set up in the back, and encourages us to take breaks. She told us (or, rather, our translator told us for her) that she's fine if we want to leave and get lunch or just sit outside for a little bit, but just to let her know. Also, she told us that we're able to leave the class whenever we want, and that from here on out, she's starting class 30 minutes later, so we have more time to sleep. Again, I repeat, is this real life? If it's a dream, nobody wake me up. Besides all of those perks, though, the class itself is just wonderful. I spent 2.5 hours drawing fruit and vases and listening to jazz. I hate drawing because it never looks how it's supposed to, but I'm so grateful for those hours to just sit and be quiet and be creative. There's something so peaceful about it. It feels like home. It makes me slow down and look closely and notice small details which is such good practice for me.
After class, I finally found a place to print/scan and could actually communicate with the people working there - win! So I successfully printed, signed, and scanned in my lease for next year so that is so nice to have done and off my to do list.
On the walk home, the sun was so warm and the air was just slightly cool and I made myself walk like a Turk. I slowed down and I just tried to take it all in. I took some photos that do this day absolutely no justice. But it is just one of those days where absolutely everything is beautiful and I feel the pressure to capture every inch of it, because the sun is just right and the trees are so tall and green and I'm afraid it's going to disappear.
There's this spot on campus where you can sit and see the Bosphorus really well so I decided to stop there on my way back. I just sat in the sun and watched all the boats drift by and sound their horns. It was quiet around me, which is rare. Since I've been here, I've periodically had this moment where I stop and think to myself, "I'm in Istanbul..." but as I sat there and as I walked home, that's almost all I could think. I get so wrapped up in what is right in front of my face sometimes that I forget to process all of it, I think. Then I have moments like those, and even if it's just for a minute, I remember the big picture. I remember that I'm in a different part of the world and that while I'm eating lunch, my friends and family back home haven't even started today, yet. I remember that I'm in an all-new place, full of things to explore. It's like I'm suddenly reminded of the incredible beauty of this place, and it's as if I'm seeing it all for the first time. And I remember that I get to be here in it. I think this is what wonder feels like. And maybe magic, too.
Today is a win. It feels like springtime. I've got the rest of the day to do whatever I want. My room smells like outside. And I've got the sounds of Sam Cooke in my ears. How did I luck out with this day?
Istanbul, I'm ever so gently falling in love with you.
This is so absolutely perfect and beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! You are wonderful, thanks for reading it!