Studying abroad is hard.
It's not all beautiful skylines or sunny, Instagram-filtered days. I think it's important that I dispel this myth, because I'm just as guilty as the next guy for prolonging this image of a perfect, picturesque adventure of a semester. Don't get me wrong - I am so very, very happy here! This opportunity to see the world (or at least part of it) is not something I take for granted. I am so very grateful each and every day that the desire was put on my heart to study abroad, and that I actually was lucky enough to get to pursue that desire. This trip came at the perfect time, and with the help of so many wonderful people, and I wouldn't have it any other way, I really wouldn't. But if you're thinking about studying abroad (or even just thinking about what it would be like to think about studying abroad), I believe it's only fair that you get to see the whole picture. Because while it's this incredible journey to live life outside of your comfort zone and see things that you could never see back home, you miss things, too.

You miss things like your sweet little nephews growing up and being not quite so little. FaceTime absolutely eases these pains, but lets be honest - Leo (1-year-old) and Nolan (3-years-old) have better things to do than sit still have have an adult conversation. They're busy guys! You also miss things like your childhood friend getting engaged, and even though I was lucky enough to get to Skype her and giggle and be excited with her, it's not the same as getting to hug her and talk in person (although we'll be sure to make up for lost time when I'm back for the summer, I know it!). You miss little things, too, like studying late at night with your best friend and actually getting no studying done because there are more important things to be discussed (and dances that have to be danced). You miss hamburgers and walmart (I know, I was just as surprised as you probably are right now). And in May, if you're like me, you'll miss your little brother's graduation. I'll get to be there via skype, but I'll have to wait until June to hug him and congratulate him in person.

As I was flipping through photos to include in this blog, I was just kind of met with this realization that you don't have to go around the world to find adventure (although it's really cool when you get to). Going abroad is making me realize the adventure that waits for me back home, as silly as that might sound. I think that's one of the biggest take-aways for me, so far. Studying abroad is leaving me with this insatiable desire to be in two places at once. But I'm really grateful for that feeling, because it means I've got adventure and excitement while I'm here, and adventure and excitement waiting for me back at home, too. There's a whole lot of joy and comfort in that.
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